Well Completions

Nitrogen for coil tubing, jetting, snubbing, and other oilfield applications

With increasing drilling activity for unconventional oil and gas resources, particularly in shale plays, the demand for high-volume nitrogen supply is growing. Strategically located production facilities, coupled with an extensive fleet of tankers and a dedicated customer service team, enable Air Products to offer a responsive, reliable source of the nitrogen you need for fracturing, coil tubing, jetting, snubbing, and other oilfield applications.

Download Timely and Reliable Nitrogen Supply for Oilfield Operations brochure

Fast, flexible supply to meet high-volume nitrogen demand

Located where you are

We have nitrogen plants surrounding key drilling areas

Flexible delivery options

Our large fleet of tankers enables timely delivery to customer yards and field sites or pick-up at our production facilities can be arranged

Unique mobile storage

Both queen and king- sized storage vessels (16,500 and 24,000 respectively) available on short or long-term basis

Dedicated sales and customer service team

Knowledgeable and responsive team to meet your unique timing and supply requirements

On-site job coordination

On-site coordinator maintains communication between you and Air Products during job execution to ensure timely deliveries and real-time adjustments to demand changes

Air Products services and supply will meet your well completions needs.

Contact our dedicated Oil Field Services team to schedule nitrogen supply and services.

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  • Strategically located industrial gas production facilities
  • Extensive fleet of tankers and portable storage units
  • Dedicated customer service
  • On-site job coordinator

APEX Temporary Gas Supply

For over 40 years, customers have relied on Air Products Express Services (APEX) for safe, reliable and fast emergency or temporary H₂, N₂, or O₂ gas supply. APEX Services can be used during plant turnarounds, or start-ups to maintain current operations or to bring the plant back on line quickly and safely. When a refinery’s regular gas supply source is unavailable or to supplement existing gas supply during periods of peak demand to boost profitability contact Air Products APEX Services.

National Coverage and Responsive Service for Unconventional Oil and Gas Well Completions

Fast, flexible supply to meet high-volume demand.

Contact our dedicated Oilfield Services team for a quote on nitrogen supply and services.

Contact Us

Gas Supply Options

Air Products gases, typically provided in gaseous and liquid form, enable customers in a wide range of industries to improve their environmental performance, product quality, and productivity.


Azot jest ceniony zarówno jako gaz obojętny, jak również jako ciecz do chłodzenia i mrożenia. Praktycznie każda gałąź przemysłu może korzystać z jego unikatowych właściwości, by zwiększać produkcję, optymalizować wydajność i zwiększać bezpieczeństwo operacji.

Dostawy gazów ciekłych

Dostarczane cysterną do stacjonarych zbiorników kriogenicznych o różnych rozmiarach. Służymy pomocą w ustaleniu odpowiedniego rozmiaru i typu zbiornika na podstawie objętości, żądanego ciśnienia, poziomu czystości, czy natężenia przepływu.

Generatory gazu

Oferujemy kompleksową ofertę bezpiecznych, niezawodnych i ekonomicznych technologii wytwarzaniu gazów na miejscu (on-site), które pomagaja klientom, dbającym o zrównoważony rozwój, obniżyć ślad węglowy, zwiększyć efektywność energetyczną, poprawić jakość produktu końcowego i poprawić efektywność środowiskową.

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