Oil Refining

Gases, technology, service, and equipment to improve safety and efficiency

Air Products brings decades of experience and leading-edge industrial gas technology to support the oil refining industry. Our products and services are aimed at solving our customers’ technical, commercial, or cost-related challenges. Our solutions range from providing industrial gases, equipment, gas separation and purification technologies, to on-site gas generation right next door to your refinery.  Our experienced applications engineers help refineries operate smarter, cleaner, and more economically all around the world. Air Products offers a full line of gases -- oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and application technologies, services, and equipment to the refining industry, ranging from tonnage hydrogen supply to advanced sulfur recovery technology.

Reliable Gas Supply for Your Refinery Needs

  • Hydrogen is widely used in refining processes to remove impurities found in crude oil such as sulfur to meet stringent product and environmental specifications. Removing these components allows gasoline and diesel to burn cleaner and thus makes hydrogen a critical component in the production of cleaner fuels needed by efficient internal combustion engines.
  • Oxygen enrichment can help increase capacity or give refiners the ability to process crude blends of various densities and sulfur content.
  • Nitrogen does not react with most materials, making it an excellent blanketing and purging gas that can be used to protect valuable products from harmful contaminants. One of its most important uses is to eliminate flammability risks in reactor vessels and storage tanks.

Count on Air Products expertise…

Let our applications engineers help you find ways to improve safety and energy efficiency.

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Hydrogen Perspectives for 21st Century Refineries

Read about how hydrogen has helped the changing needs of the oil refining market including solutions for reducing cost though advanced hydrogen management, capacity revamps, and over-the-fence hydrogen supply.

Kochi, India Industrial Gas Complex

Working with our local partner, Air Products created the largest industrial complex of its kind in India to produce vital hydrogen and power, enabling more clean fuels that are reducing pollution and creating a better quality of life.

Maximizing Refinery Flexibility

Read how oxygen enrichment technology can optimize the operating flexibility in refineries and maximize profitability.


Air Products gases, typically provided in gaseous and liquid form, enable customers in a wide range of industries to improve their environmental performance, product quality, and productivity.


Ceniony za swoje właściwości reaktywne i ochronne wodór jest wykorzystywany w wielu branżach w celu poprawy jakości, optymalizacji wydajności i obniżenia kosztów.


Azot jest ceniony zarówno jako gaz obojętny, jak również jako ciecz do chłodzenia i mrożenia. Praktycznie każda gałąź przemysłu może korzystać z jego unikatowych właściwości, by zwiększać produkcję, optymalizować wydajność i zwiększać bezpieczeństwo operacji.


Oprócz zastosowania jako gaz do oddychania w zastosowaniach medycznych, jego silne właściwości utleniające przynoszą korzyści wielu gałęziom przemysłu poprzez optymalizację wydajności, obniżenie kosztów i zmniejszenie śladu węglowego w porównaniu z innymi paliwami.

APEX Temporary Gas Supply

For over 40 years, customers have relied on Air Products Express Services (APEX) for safe, reliable and fast emergency or temporary H₂, N₂, or O₂ gas supply. APEX Services can be used during plant turnarounds, or start-ups to maintain current operations or to bring the plant back on line quickly and safely. When a refinery’s regular gas supply source is unavailable or to supplement existing gas supply during periods of peak demand to boost profitability contact Air Products APEX Services.
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Customer Plant Support Services

Air Products services the following customer owned plants:

  • Air separation
  • LNG
  • Hydrogen recovery
  • Helium
  • Hydrogen production
  • Other hydrocarbon processing plants

The portfolio of services we provide include:

  • Plant assessments
  • Operation and maintenance
  • Technical Services and operating training
  • Spare parts and inventory control
  • Turbomachinery expanders
  • Equipment and modifications
  • Hydrogen plant support
Call us and we can work with you to customize the support you need

Wytwarzanie gazów na miejscu

Wytwarzanie gazu na miejscu umożliwia klientom dbającym o zrównoważony rozwój zmniejszenie śladu węglowego, zwiększenie wydajności energetycznej i efektywności, podniesienie jakości produktów końcowych i poprawie wyników w zakresie ochrony środowiska.

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